

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Detox Smoothie Recipe

Well, I woke up and smelled the roses this weekend. Actually l finally admitted to how strongly I feel about wanting another baby one day and realized that I need to get my act in gear. Before getting pregnant with Hudson, I focused on my health 100%. I worked out with a trainer for over a year, did tons of cardio and weightlifting throughout my entire pregnancy to be sure I was in optimal health for carrying and laboring my child. However, yoga pants, toddler food and starbucks have become my best friend and I've lost any sort of motivation to put on tennis shoes and a sports bra. I have lost and gained these last 10 pounds of baby weight several times but I think I'm finally ready to take the plunge. The good thing is that I know what I have to do; I've done it before... now I just have to have the discipline to do it. I started my Saturday by grocery shopping and I made tons of smoothie packets. I filled quart size bags with all the yummy ingredients of this detox smoothie and popped them in the freezer so that I can simply pull them out, add green tea, blend and go. Should be easy peasy. I haven't tried it yet but it's prepped and in the freezer prepared to start my week. I'm hoping in a few months that my physical health will catch up to my mental health on the baby fever. :-)

Monday, October 5, 2015

Lucky Duck

Sweet Hudson,

It's 8:30am and after a breakfast of eggs and a banana, you are playing with a light saber, chasing the dogs around the house. Little do you know how lucky your mama feels on this Monday morning. Yesterday you got a random sinus infection where you had a green goopy eye, massive snotty nose and a brutal diaper rash that you have been suffering from for awhile now. A quick trip to the doctor has left you feeling like your normal self again. However, I'm not excited about sending you to daycare after only being on antibiotics for 24 hours... so here we are; playing with light sabers, chasing the dogs around the house. I feel like the luckiest mom in the world to have the ability to do this. Where I can check my email every few hours and smother you with kisses every chance I get. It's the best Monday I could ever hope for! And you my son... are the best thing I could have ever hoped for. I love you oh so much and I already can't wait to plan our impromptu Monday together.

Love you, sweet boy!

-Your lucky duck mama

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Mom Brain: Forgot to post... Months ago!

This post was in my drafts that I never posted: It's clearly from a LONG time ago.... Time is so cruel. Look at that little face!

This past weekend we went down to our cabin in Broken Bow, OK. My normally angel child seemed to have flipped the switch for our relaxing getaway. He cried most of the way down there and then did not sleep through the night a single night we were there. I'm not sure if it was because it was a new environment and he was so interested in what there was to see, but let me tell you.... I am one tired mama and the relaxing weekend was not relaxing at all. Aside from my sleep deprivation, I  managed to snap some pics of the weekend!
PASSED OUT! (Eventually...when it was time to wake up!)

In between crying, He snuggled up to his water bottle

Saturday, October 3, 2015


Well it happened. I'm not sure exactly when or how; but it did. My husband and I realized what life is about. It's not about the car we drive, it's not about the clothes we wear or the social status we have; it's about creating a legacy for our family. It could have been the Dave Ramsey cd's that we listened to that helped us alleviate all our debt or it could be that look of innocence in our son's eyes... either way; it happened.

It doesn't mean that we easily drag ourselves out of bed at 5am when we hear a cry from the other side of the house. However, it does mean that we walk more graciously when we do see that baby monitor turn on when a sweet boy starts to toss and turn. We work a little harder, we save a little more and more importantly, we focus on the moments that really matter. After talking finances, cutting up credit cards and creating a financial standing that we can be proud of, my husband and I have began a journey that will create financial legacy instead of burden for our loved ones. And holy moly- let me tell you... the hope you feel and see is completely worth the lack of a Louis Vuitton that I have oh so badly wanted for many years. The gratitude that we have when we are able to successfully sell and close 13 homes in one month means so much more when we can close our eyes, recognize God our idol and literally see the results of hard work. (And to know that our hard work isn't being used to pay on credit cards for when we made purchases that we didn't have the cash for!)

I turned 28 this last week and for once in my life, my joy came from spending a day with a toddler eating grilled cheese and finger painting instead of being proud of something I purchased or something of monetary value. Adulting doesn't mean that you work your life away, it simply means that you work in order to fund not just your own life, but the life of those brave little people that overtake your home with toys and half-eaten graham crackers. I've never experienced such deep love as I have with my son; with every breathe that he takes, my love multiplies and it has allowed me to more deeply understand how great God's love is for us.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Letters to Hudson

I'm going to start writing letters to my sweet boy into this blog. I already apologize in advance if the letters start to consume the site... I feel often there are so many things I want to share with Hudson that he just can't understand yet. I figured there was no better way than to write them down on my blog! He can read them when he is older and hopefully it will fill his heart with love, like he fills mine each and every day.

My little man,

You are creeping up on being 8 months old and it makes me think about those beginning moments that we had. I often find myself thinking about those first few weeks and I get angry with myself... I did not allow myself to be happy. Our breastfeeding relationship did not come easy and I fought so hard to make it work. I have absolutely no regrets because to this day, we are still nursing and I could not be happier about my decision. But I was so overly consumed in emotion and stress that I didn't get enjoy those tiny little toes more. My hormones were so out of control that I didn't get to kiss on you as much as I wish I had. The first 3 weeks were more of a blur than an enjoyable experience. Although, I think that is the experience that every first time mom endures so I don't think this is a pity party for one. But each time I think I want the chance to re-experience those first few weeks, I think about where you are today. Full of smiles, laughter and personality. You bring so much joy to each day that I cry thinking that you will one day grow up. Each day, you surprise me with what you can do. You are starting to understand our sign language and have fully grasped "All Done." while you don't do it yourself, you fully comprehend when mommy does it. You constantly babble "Da da" and tell us about your day and your little world. You are on the brink of crawling on all fours but you have officially mastered the army crawl. You are incredibly quick! You love being in the jumper roo and will bounce for an hour at a time. You had a fabulous first Christmas. We spent a few days in Rogers, Arkansas with Nana, Uncle Jay, Aunt Molly and Cousin Samuel. We then drove through the night to Colorado to see your Grandmama, Papa, Uncle Will, Great Grandma and Great Aunt Betty. You were spoiled rotten. Your favority gift was a "Rockin' Ridin' Pony" that grandmama got you. I love you little man, you are my heart and the most perfect gift god has ever given me.

Love you, little man
Your mom
Hudson and Nana- Christmas 2014

Hudson's Rockin' Ridin' Pony!

Hudson and Daddy

Your Great-Great Aunt Betty gave you your first taste of sugar... A yummy chocolate truffle!

Giving Papa some cuddles while in Colorado
"God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers."